Fanzine + Old Forest
Tuesday, October 11
They're off on tour with Yuck about the UK later in the year plus they've a new single out on Fat Possum. In the interests of not having to write the copy myself - and because they've got it about right - here's what Fat Possum have to say for themselves:
After touring the UK with the likes of The Pains Of Being Pure At Heart, Cults, and Yuck, fuzzed out rockers Fanzine are finally set to release their debut single. “Roman Holiday/ My Stupid Brain” will be released as a double A side 7” through Fat Possum on November 22nd. There will also be a CDR version of the single that’ll come with an illustrated fanzine, similar to their self-released debut "EP1". All in all this promises to be a very exciting limited run of 500.
''Despite only just graduating high school, barely legal noise brats Old Forest have already forged their own distinct and uncompromising sound. Borrowing from sludge groups like the Melvins and Butthole Surfers they represent a seedier side to the current 90s revival''-Sexbeat
Old Forest smother their sludgy J Mascis style guitar solos in a healthy layer of fuzz. The group take a lot of inspiration from American alt-bands of the late 80s and early 90s, which to be honest we find pretty hard to resist. Definitely one to watch.-spoonfed
Purveyors of sludge rock and massive Sebadoh and Dinosaur Junior fans .Old Forest write sludge rock, steep and steady with a sound you’d expect from three thirty somethings.- Loud and quiet
Tickets are £5: