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White Heat flyer: Organist only. shim
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The History of Apple Pie, Weird Dreams & Guests
Tuesday, June 28
The History of Apple Pie
Join us to celebrate the launch of History of Apple Pie's debut single "You're So Cool" at White Heat on Tuesday 28 June! DJing early on will be 'Joshua Third'. He of the Horrors. First time he's DJed for us in years so that'll be nice too.

They'll be joined by the excellent WEIRD DREAMS ( irddreams) and FEAR OF MENhttp://fearofmen.bandcamp. com/

Tickets via /user/?region=gb_london&qu ery=detail&event=452403 and m/event/121832

"The debut single by London quintet The History of Apple Pie emerged when Jerome looked up from his Star Gate Sequence pedals and his half-sketched song ideas were brought to life with a vocal contribution from Stephanie, who'd never sung until that very moment. Through their music they offer a cloud-covered view of backyard ‘90s America and ‘You’re so Cool’ is an understated, beautiful cut of dreampop.

The band, based in Whitechapel, counts Galaxie 500, ‘13’-era Blur and Pavement as influences, and Jerome as lead guitarist writes guitar lines reminiscent of slacker Gods such as Thurston Moore. Lyrically Stephanie wrote ‘You’re So Cool’ about an old school friend that knew the whole script to the film ‘True Romance’. Particularly, the infamous speech at the climax of the film where the character Alabama Worley repeats the words ‘you’re so cool, you’re so cool’ whilst alluding to her husband Clarence.

They have a sound that is jaded and optimistic, detached and heartfelt. Their daisy-brutal, buttoned-down ferocity and innate melodicism is met halfway by sweetly burnt-out female vocals, sharp and glaring or softly double tracked in homage to Elliott Smith."

"You're So Cool" will be released on limited edition vinyl by Roundtable Records with b-side "Some Kind" on June 27th. You can pre-order the single now at Rough Trade via


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Thursday, January 01

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