120 Days + The Lysergic Suite + Black Helium Tuesday, June 21 They're over from Norway and they've taken their noisy, gazey kraut and added a dash of techno.
Check their site for some live videos and more... http://www.120days.no
The Lysergic Suite are dropping down from Leicester where they've been whipping up some noisy-krauty-psych & getting some famous help too... http://www.facebook.com/pages/The-Lysergic-Suite/
Opening for us are Black Helium: " Add a dash of Sonic Youth, sprinkle in some Black Rebel Motorcycle Club and blend it with fuzzy guitars and some spacey psyche a la Hawkwind and you get an idea of what Black Helium sounds like. Their music is heavy but in a trippy sort of way. Tons of reverb, howling guitar solos, swirling keyboards and a steady driving beat add to the trip" http://www.facebook.com/pages/Black-Helium/187090111311068